
At what point is a sponsored immigrant entitled to a privately enforceable financial support guarantee from their sponsor?

[Also available on Facebook.] The sponsor’s contractual obligations under the I-864 affidavit of support do not begin until and unless the intending immigrant obtains conditional or permanent green card status. At that point, the sponsor can no longer withdraw their submission and the contract is binding, potentially for life. The obligation does NOT end in […]

A Best Practice To Prepare For a Possible Mandamus Lawsuit

[Also available on Facebook.] There is no legal requirement to “exhaust remedies” – i.e., make personal efforts or appeals to get a decision on a delayed immigration application. However, before filing a mandamus lawsuit to address an immigration delay, it is best to make such attempts and diligently document the efforts taken to move your […]

VAWA and Access to Public Benefits

[Also available on Facebook.] VAWA petitioners who receive a prima facie determination notice (this comes at an earlier stage than a full VAWA approval) can qualify for “means tested” public benefits that were previously unavailable to them. Depending on your state, these valuable benefits can include Medicaid, TANF, public housing, food stamps and many others.

The Law on the Confidentiality of I-751 Submissions Seeking Abuse Waivers

[Also available on Facebook.] Spoiler Alert: Confidentiality for abuse survivors is respected if you seek a waiver based on it. The abusive spouse is not notified of the filing. According to 8 CFR Sec 216.5(e)(3)(viii): As directed by the statute, the information contained in the application and supporting documents shall not be released without a […]

Some Really Interesting (Staggering) Statistics

[Also available on LinkedIn.] There are some really interesting (staggering) statistics in this article regarding immigration case backlogs in 2021 compared to 2020. There is some food for thought here for those of us that litigate immigration delays or are counseling clients with long standing delays. If nothing else, the statistics show delays are here […]

I-751 Guidance Where Divorce isn’t Finalized

[Also available on Reddit.] If you are looking for guidance as to how USCIS will decide your I-751 ROC petition if you are separated or starting divorce proceedings, but the divorce isn’t final, then you need to read the Neufeld memo. It’s only 3 pages and worth a close read.  

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