
Some Reasons NOT to File a Viable 864 Enforcement Action:

[Also available on Facebook.] In general, financially abandoned immigrant spouses should insist they be supported as promised. However, just because you can enforce a right to financial support doesn’t mean you should. Here are some situations where it may be wise to leave money on the table and not enforce your right to support as […]

How Do You Determine Whether an Immigration Delay is Unreasonable?

[Also available on LinkedIn.] The first question in determining whether a mandamus/APA lawsuit is a viable solution to address an immigration application delay is whether the delay is “unreasonable.” But there is no exact formula to determine this. The closest thing we have are the principles enumerated in a  court decision entitled Telecommunications Research & […]

How a Successful I-864 Enforcement Can Change Your Life

[Also available on Facebook.] Depending on the circumstances, a successful I-864 action to privately enforce the financial payments a sponsor due to the Affidavit of Support can result in the payment of tens of thousands of dollars to the abandoned immigrant spouse. Frequently, immigrants bringing these actions have no independent financial resources and sometimes even […]

Whether you can still qualify for VAWA if divorced

[Also available on Facebook.] Many people have inquired as to whether you can still qualify for VAWA if divorced. The answer to that is YES. Here are the instances where you can qualify even though you are no longer married to the abuser: 1) You believed you were legally married to your abusive spouse but […]

A Note Regarding a Forgotten Corner of Federal Immigration Litigation

[Also available on LinkedIn.] There was a recent federal Court of Appeals decision for the 11th Circuit (this court covers Florida, Alabama and Georgia) that discusses the defenses for private I-864 enforcement actions. The court essentially determined that NO traditional common law defenses exist. That means that “unclean hands” (i.e., acting badly or lying), causing […]

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