Dispelling A Persistent Mandamus Myth

[Also available on LinkedIn] One myth surrounding mandamus lawsuits that never seems to completely go away is that filing a mandamus lawsuit will result in the government retaliating against you with a denial. It’s understandable how people can make this assumption. Amongst individuals, if you sue someone, you can expect them to be biased against […]

If You Have a USCIS Denial, Should you File an AAO Appeal?

[Also available on Linkedin] A USCIS denial can be challenged by filing a request with the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO). However, AAO appeals are generally not required when challenging a USCIS denial (nor are they recommended – more on that later). The reason an AAO appeal is not required was explained in the summary holding […]

Some Good News For Those Challenging Consular Denials

[Also available on Reddit] This is a great decision from the Ninth Circuit that puts a dent in the Government shield of consular nonreviewability. Consular denials are notoriously difficult to challenge and are generally considered immune from judicial review. However, consular denials (especially for cases fought on the west coast) just got a little easier […]

Stuck in Administrative Processing 221(g) Limbo?

[Also available on LinkedIn.] Let’s say you go to an interview at a consulate expecting to get a visa stamp to come to the US. Instead of a stamp you get a pink slip with a vague explanation that your visa has been refused and your case has been placed in 221(g) administrative processing. First, […]

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