Immigration Litigation Tip For Mandamus Cases

[Also available on Reddit.] There is no statutory exhaustion requirement to fulfill in order to bring a viable mandamus case for an immigration delay. However, some courts have held that mandamus relief is not appropriate where an adequate alternative judicial remedy is available. According to the 5th Circuit, a remedy “is adequate if it is ‘capable […]

Mandamus Lawsuits For EAD Renewal

[Also available on LinkedIn.] It’s pretty frustrating that some people need to resort to federal litigation to get something as simple as an EAD renewal done. I suppose the bright side is that the mandamus lawsuits, by and large, work in this context.

Properly supplementing the administrative record through FOIA

[Also available on LinkedIn.] Properly supplementing the administrative record through FOIA in an immigration matter can be critical to the future success of a federal litigation. Visa petitions filed by petitioners on behalf of a beneficiary are usually kept in the beneficiary’s file. To avoid receiving a redacted version, that doesn’t include the petitioner’s information when […]

A Tip on Discovery When Contesting USCIS Denials in Federal Court

[Also available on LinkedIn.] The general rule is that discovery is neither permitted nor necessary in Administrative Procedures Act (APA) litigation. These cases are generally decided on the administrative record. However, this rule is not absolute. If the administrative record does not provide enough detail for the court to properly review it, the court can […]

Cases Challenging the Denial of Discretionary Immigration Benefits

[Also available on LinkedIn.] Cases challenging the denial of discretionary immigration benefits by USCIS under the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) can be difficult. One angle to consider when deciding whether to challenge a denial in federal court is the so called Accardi doctrine, which comes from the Supreme Court case, Accardi v. Shaughnessy. That case and its progeny stand […]

A Strategy to Consider Before Filing a Mandamus/APA Lawsuit for Unreasonable Delays or Denials

[Also available on Reddit.] Prior to filing suit, tee up a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to ask for documents relevant to the processing of your petition. If, after appeal, the government does not properly or timely comply, include a FOIA count in your lawsuit. Discovery is notoriously difficult to get in Mandamus/APA claims. The […]

Naturalization (N-400) Delays

[Also available on LinkedIn & Reddit.] If USCIS does not adjudicate a naturalization case within 120 days of conducting an interview, the applicant has the ability to sue the government in the federal district court where they reside pursuant to 8 USC Sec 1447(b), INA Sec 336(b). Once filed in federal court, the judge may […]

Can You Get Financial Support from Your Immigration Sponsor Ex-Husband if He Accuses You of Being At Fault in Ending the Marriage?

[Also available on Reddit.] Yes.  If your ex-spouse signed a Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, you are entitled to financial support. Period. This financial support exists even if he claims you are “at fault” or did something wrong to end the marriage.  The financial support is about $1,342 per month and only ends under very […]

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